Fans as special Products
Are you planning or implementing an exceptional project that has special requirements? No problem.
We are specialised in meeting particular challenges and develop, test and deliver customer-specific products. As a result of our many years of experience in the area of special aerodynamic solutions and many successfully completed projects, we already have a large selection of possibilities ready.
With our fans, we achieve air speeds in the flight chamber of well over 300 km/h with the highest efficiency and low sound values.
Our extensive project experience includes, for example, fan systems for wind tunnel applications, indoor skydiving wind tunnels, Formula 1 test benches and engine test benches.
So if you have a special requirement with regard to axial fans or centrifugal fans, we certainly have the right one for you.
Output range up to
- Volume flow: 2,000,000 m³/h
- Pressure: 9,000 Pa
- Temperature: 100 °C
- Output: 1000 kW
- Miscellaneous: Carbon blade, titanium impellers
- Centrifugal fans
- Axial fans
- Special fans
Areas of use
- Truck/passenger car wind tunnel
- Indoor skydiving
- Formula 1 test bench
- Airflow blowers
- Engine test benches